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£2,120 of £3,500 raised

Clean water is something we are so accustomed to that we often take it for granted. Meanwhile, many communities in the south of Libya  are feeling the devastation of not having access to clean water. We aim to aid with this! With our water program, we aim to build water wells , boreholes  Supply and Install Water Treatment unit  and provide clean water

The gift of clean water saves lives, which is a hugely rewardable action. Allah says in the Qur’an, “And whoever saves one [a life], it is as if he had saved all of mankind”. (Qur’an, 5:32)

For every  Pound  you donate you help to save someone’s life, and this is like saving all of mankind.

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Reclaim Gift Aid

Gift Aid It!Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows Libyan Helping Hands to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Libyan Helping Hands we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like Libyan Helping Hands to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that Libyan Helping Hands will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Donation Total: £30.00

Summary of Donations

18 March، 2022

Amount Donated

15 January، 2022

Amount Donated

23 December، 2021

Amount Donated

17 December، 2021

Amount Donated

15 December، 2021

Amount Donated

15 December، 2021

Amount Donated

14 December، 2021

Amount Donated

6 December، 2021

Amount Donated

17 November، 2021

Amount Donated

8 October، 2021

Amount Donated

8 October، 2021

Amount Donated

7 October، 2021

Amount Donated