
The Prophet, upon him be peace, said: “Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” (Al-Tirmidhi)

Cancer Support Appeal 2022

Help Cancer Patients in Libya By Donating Today ,Please Donate and take this opportunity to change…

of £5,000

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£0 of £5,000 raised

Help Cancer Patients in Libya By Donating Today. Please Donate and  take this opportunity to change someone’s life directly. Please help us to save  lives  by the grace of Allah.

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Reclaim Gift Aid ( for UK donation only)

Gift Aid It!Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows Libyan Helping Hands to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Libyan Helping Hands we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like Libyan Helping Hands to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that Libyan Helping Hands will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Donation Total: £25.00 One Time


Please donate now to allow us to provide food parcels to vulnerable families in need including…

of £6,000

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£0 of £6,000 raised

Please donate generously and share the link. Any donation is greatly appreciated, may Allah reward you for your contribution. Through these donations we will all be able to help those families who have no one to turn to.

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Reclaim Gift Aid ( for UK donation only)

Gift Aid It!Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows Libyan Helping Hands to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Libyan Helping Hands we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like Libyan Helping Hands to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that Libyan Helping Hands will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Donation Total: £50.00

Orphans Sponsorship Fund Appeal 2022

We aim to support more Orphan children and families in need and with your help we…

of £5,000

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£0 of £5,000 raised

Our Sponsorship Fund helps us provide consistent monthly support to hundreds of orphaned children in Libya who have not yet been matched with a private sponsor. Every penny is spent directly on the Orphan children and their families. It could help sustain a family in need of medical care, food support, clothing and more.

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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
Reclaim Gift Aid

Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like Libyan Helping Hands to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that Libyan Helping Hands will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Donation Total: £100.00

Eid gifts for Children 2022

There are few things more heart-warming than seeing an Orphan child light up with excitement on…

of £500

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£0 of £500 raised
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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
Reclaim Gift Aid

Gift Aid It!Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows Libyan Helping Hands to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Libyan Helping Hands we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like Libyan Helping Hands to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that Libyan Helping Hands will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Donation Total: £25.00

Your donation will allow our teams to distribute new Eid gifts   for the  orphans   and children  in orphanage  house in Tripoli .

Sadaqah Donation

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “A charity is due for every joint in each person on every…

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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.
Reclaim Gift Aid

Gift Aid It!Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. A Gift Aid declaration allows Libyan Helping Hands to claim tax back on eligible donations. It means that for every £1 you donate to Libyan Helping Hands we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you.

By ticking the "Yes" box, I agree I would like Libyan Helping Hands to reclaim the tax on all qualifying donations I have made, as well as any future donations, until I notify them otherwise. I understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year I may be asked to pay any difference. I understand that Libyan Helping Hands will reclaim 25p of tax on every £1 that I give.

Donation Total: £25.00 One Time