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This Option to donate your Qurbani and we will gift to a needy family in Tripoli , you can also donate as much as you could and the funds collected will be used to buy Qurabni and will be gifted to a needy family in Libya
May Allah reward you for your contribution. Through these donations, we will all be able to help those families who have no one to turn to.
باستخدام هذا الرابط المخصص يمكن التبرع بأضحية كاملة أو المساهمة بما تجود به النفس لتغطية ثمن الاضحية التى سيتم شراؤها وتسليم الاضحية حية وليس لحما لأسرة محتاجة من الأيتام وذوي الدخل المحدود ليقوموا بذبحها بأنفسهم
ملاحضة الاضاحي سوف توزع علي اسر في مدينة طرابلس
For the last 6 years, we have been delivering Qurbani in Libya, distributing fresh meat to displaced , Poor , Needy and Orphans families.
Alhamdulillah, with your generous support , we were able to provide 94 Qurbani 2020 , 78 Qurbani in 2022 and 75 Qurbani last Year
This year we are counting on your help and support to provide as mush as we could Qurbani to the Families in Libya, many families can not afford the cost to buy Qurbani or enjoy days of Eids due to the high inflation this year.
Please donate generously and share the link .
Jazakallah Khiar, thank you.
Note : Please provide your name in comment field so the Qurabni done on your behalf .
Below Picture from last Three years Appeals
Qurbani Appeal 2023, 2019, 2020 & 2021 Videos